Menges Lamp 2
Materials: Walnut, reclaimed wheels, other reclaimed industrial elements, carriage bolts, steel tubing.
Description: This lamp and table are designed to be flexible to any future arrangement. As well as adjustable. The table height can be adjusted, and by pulling on the cord the light is able to raise and lower it to the desired height. The walnut base and table top have a lot character in the grain. There is also a custom wooden bracket designed to hold the back pully in place.
Location: Lee Summit, MO
Menges Lamp 1
Materials: Walnut, Steel, Edison Bulb, lamp fixture
Description: Designed to be in the same room as The Menges Table and Menges Lamp 2. This set of furniture emphasizes the contrast of raw steel, wood and found objects. Designed to be a reading lamp next to a formal couch.
Location: Lee Summit, MO

The McBride Wedding center pieces turned out amazing! Here is 2 of the 9 we made. They use an LED flashlight since we didn't want any cords at the reception.